Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 Owls Class

Our Year 2 Team:
  • Miss Haydon - Class Teacher
  • Mrs Laker -  Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs Walsh - Teaching Assistant
  In year 2, we focus on building independence and resilience towards learning.  Expectations are high; we take our 'Growth Mindset' very seriously because we understand just how crucial this is to achieving success throughout life.  We are proud of our high standards and work hard to maintain them. We understand how important it is to take risks in our learning, nothing venture, nothing gained! We foster a positive attitude towards learning, where aspirations can be set high and a child's emotional well-being and development are at the forefront of all that we do.  Although typical learning is more formal than previously, our own learning time 'Golden Time' still plays an integral part in our learning and development in the classroom.  Our regular drama with Mrs Rennles helps us to demonstrate our learning that we have been doing in Topic and R.E and additionally is an excellent vehicle to develop both confident speakers and writers.  The children lead the Nativity production and participate in their school leavers' play. Our Year 2 children are the 'leaders ' of our school.  They are the role models to our younger children and are encouraged to take on responsibilities around the school - for example, worship leaders, head angel to their tri-angel group and library monitors.  This is all part of helping our children to take responsibility for themselves, others and their environment.

How can you help support your child?

Parents should hear their child read 4 times a week.  Alongside this, weekly Home Learning is set: weekly spellings which include spelling patterns / rules; mental maths e.g. counting in 3s, number bonds of 20.  Website links to motivational fun learning games are sometimes included. Children are expected to read to an adult at home 4 times a week.  As a way of encouraging families to read we have a reading raffle.  Reading should be recorded in their reading diary and for each daily read we make a note.  When the children have completed 30 daily reads, they get a raffle ticket.  Once children have completed 30 reads they move onto 60, 90 and so on.  Some children can end up with 2 raffle tickets in the pot.  At the end of each half term, a raffle ticket is picked by a special guest who will also share their favourite story.  the winning ticket receives a prize.

Wellie Wednesdays

These activities may include Forest School skills, PE enrichment, Orienteering, Creating and Making.  On these days the children come to school dressed in tracksuit bottoms, their school tops, jumpers, trainers and waterproof outer clothing and of course they need their wellington boots! You may find the following links and downloads helpful

In God's hands we learn and grow


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