Safeguarding & Online Safety


Newdigate C of E Infant School Safeguarding statement

Newdigate C of E Infant School recognises the important responsibility for Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children. The school's policy applies to the whole of the school's workforce, along with volunteers, governors, school club providers and any contractors working on the school site. In particular, Staff recruitment and selection - ensuring that all staff, volunteers etc. have been appropriately checked for their suitability, using the Safer Recruitment procedures. In addition:

    • Raising awareness of safeguarding issues and equipping children with the skills to keep them safe
    • Developing and implementing procedures and training for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse
    • Supporting pupils who have been abused, in accordance with an agreed, child-centred plan
    • Establishing a safe and nurturing environment, free from discrimination or bullying, where children can learn and develop happily.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child's welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first, unless we have a reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child's welfare.

Our Designated Safeguarding Team is:

  • Lead -  Mrs Paula Bliss, Headteacher 
  • Deputy - Mrs Rachel Moon
  • On-line Safety  - Mrs Gayle Priestley


Policies can be found here : -

Newdigate Behaviour policy September 2022 - word

Federation Safeguarding Child Protection Policy (September 2022-23).docx

Keeping children safe in education 2022 (




At Newdigate C of E Infant School we aim to provide a safe, caring and friendly environment for all our pupils to allow them to learn effectively, improve their life chances and help them maximise their potential within a Christian ethos.  We would expect pupils to feel safe in school, including an understanding of the issues relating to safety, such as bullying.   We also want them to feel confident to seek support from school should they feel unsafe.  Our school values help children and adults understand how we should aim to live our lives and make better choices within and beyond our community. 

The full policy can be found here - Anti-Bullying policy 2022

  • Anti-Bullying co-ordinator - Mrs Paula Bliss, Headteacher 



We use online safety planning for our lessons and participate in the annual "Safer Internet Day".  In the autumn term we hold an On-line safety meeting for parents to attend.

Enjoy watching these short animations with your children to help them stay safe, when on-line.

On-line safety advice and help on parental controls, adjusting privacy settings, advice on social networks

free helpline – 0808 800 5000


  • Screen time rules

TOP TIP: no digital devices in the bedroom, especially at bed time

TOP TIP: Avoid using screen time as a reward. This will elevate the status of screen time above other activities and like using food as a reward may encourage children to simply want more.

TOP TIP: Be confident to put in boundaries.

DID YOU KNOW?: Blue light from digital devices, e.g. i-pads, mobiles, can trick the brain into thinking it’s still daylight making it difficult to sleep. Turn off screens one hour before bed time.




  • Content – critical thinking

TOP TIP: Encourage your child to question ‘is it real?’

TOP TIP: Discuss the information that should and shouldn’t be shared.

TOP TIP: Discuss the importance of developing a good digital footprint.


  • Keeping children safe while on-line gaming

TOP TIP: Take an active interest in the games your children are playing

TOP TIP: For younger children, use ‘airplane’ mode so they can’t accidentally make purchases or connect with someone they don’t know.

TOP TIP: For older children ask who they are playing with and use of appropriate language.

TOP TIP: Gaming can be ADDICTIVE, agree boundaries and how long they’re allowed to play for.


  • Appropriate games guide for families       


  • On-line bullying   

TOP TIP: Never delete bullying messages; screenshot them for evidence,

TOP TIP: Can happen on a range of devices 24/7





Newdigate  C of E Infant School's On-Line Safety Rules

In God's hands we learn and grow


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