FONSAP ~ Friends of Newdigate School and Preschool

Friends of Newdigate School & Pre-school(FONSAP)


WHAT do the FONS do?
The Friends of Newdigate School and Preschool (FONSAP) are a group of parents who, in liaison with the teachers, get together to arrange events throughout the year for both children and parents. We provide a range of entertaining activities outside of school hours as well as supporting in-school events. Whilst some events are just for fun and an opportunity to meet other parents, many have the added benefit of raising additional money to equip the school with facilities that the Department of Education doesn’t cover.

WHY is it needed?
You have chosen a wonderful village school for your child, but in the current financial climate we will need to supplement the school’s budget to buy non-core equipment. Over the last few years, the equipment funded by the FONSAP’s activities includes
•    the newly installed interactive whiteboards in each classroom
•    maintaining the pool
•    the library: seating and books.

WHO are the FONS?
There are many parents who get involved in various different ways, including being class reps, running the second hand uniform sales, making teas and coffees or organising specific events.



To purchase e-tickets for FONSAP events please click on the following link:

In God's hands we learn and grow


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