As a Church school with a strong Christian ethos, we are committed to doing the best for all of the children in our care, making everyone feel included and valued. We have worked with members of our community to choose six Christian based values that will help guide us to be the best we can be in our everyday lives.

“Values are the principles we live by, informing how we behave in our dealings with others, defining our morality and our aspirations. They represent our vision of the person we would like to be and our vision of the world as we would like it to operate.”
Sustaining hope in school leadership, Alan Flintham

John 15:12
Love each other as I have loved you
"We show love and compassion for each other."

Psalm 34:14
Seek peace and pursue it
"We will make a peaceful school and world."

Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
"We put our trust in each other"

Chronicles 29:13
Now, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name
"We are thankful for what we have and will look after our world."

Psalm 130:4
But with you there is forgiveness
"We always try to forgive each other."

Romans 15:13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy
"We are hopeful for ourselves and others"